HONDA S2000 2003
- Auction fee:
- $
- Internal transport:
- ~ $1200 according to the location of the car
- Load:
- $
- Container:
- $
- Customs agent:
- $
- Tax (10%):
- $
- VAT:
- $
- Total (without internal transport included):
- $
Write us and we will call you back shortly!
Lot: 71496433
VIN: JHMAP11423T007010
Година: 2003
Приблизителна пазарна цена: $23402
Акценти: Движи се
Тип: н/а
About the car | |
Fuel | Бензин |
Lot | 71496433 |
Make | HONDA |
Model | S2000 |
VIN | JHMAP11423T007010 |
Year | 2003 |
Km | 188072 |
Engine | 2.0L 4 |
Transmission | Автоматични |
Wheel drive | RWD - Задно задвижване |
Color | Сребрист |
Keys | Да |
Damage | Отзад |
Can be driven | Да |